Monday, November 17, 2008

Autumn Sonata

In an extremely monumental city what I find most breathtaking at the moment in Paris is not the Eiffel Tower, Sacre Coeur or the Pont d'Alexandre III, but the leaves that are changing color at Parc Monceau. Mainly because all those other monuments are always there, and generally look the same rather than suddenly being orange, yellow and red for a limited time only.

Despite all the natural beauty of Northern California, where I used to live, I always missed the blazing color of autumn and the changing of the seasons.

As the Parisian catacombs will remind you, the changing of seasons and passage of time leads inevitably to your death when eventually someone will bury you under Paris, stack your bones into attractive patterns and charge tourists to visit them. However, going to the park to see the temporary abstract expressionist arboreal art exhibit is free-- and has no macabre quotes to force you to confront your own mortality and to refrain from flash photography.

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