Tuesday, July 22, 2008

American Customer Service

This really happened at a DVD store called FYE (For Your Entertainment-- and no, despite dubious-sounding name, they do not sell porn, more like Disney-Pixar classics) when I went to the register to buy a DVD.

Cashier (bubbling over with customer service enthusiasm) : Hi, there, how are you today?! Did you find everything ok today?!
Me: Yes, thanks.
C: Can I interest you in a subscription to our special new DVD and video game release magazine? It has the latest insider information on all the hottest new entertainment!
Me: No, thanks.
C: Would you like to join our frequent buyer program and get 10% off your purchase today?!
Me: Um, no thanks, that's ok, I don't live around here.
C: Would you be willing to donate a dollar to the children's literacy program we support? It's strictly optional, but the proceeds all go directly to underfunded public schools!
Me (unable to keep from laughing): Wow, do you have to ask everyone all those questions every time they buy something? You must be exhausted at the end of the day.
C (acknowledging that his series of questions is, indeed, ridiculous): God, I know, you must be like, get outta my face, I just wanna buy my movie! How would you like to pay for this today?!

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